
Armor setting mistake

Currently I am making 1.12.2 version of mod, but I knew the item called Armor Toughness for the first time today. In addition, I noticed that the durability value was abnormally high. Correct armor settings in the next update.

('· ω · `) What a thing!


1.12.2 ver mod coming soon

Ghost Armor.

I could also add recipes.
I began making my own mod of Minecraft version 1.12.2. Sound registration, recipe addition, item addition finally became possible at last. I have not checked the detailed behavior yet, but I think I can release it soon.


Bug fix 1.10.2, 1.11.2

1.10.2(ver0.1.1)、1.11.2(ver0.1.7)、Bug fix.
  • Fixed that Dagger of Luna dial could not throw.
  • Fixed that Kris Knife could not fire magic bullets.
  • Fixed that we could not guard with Damascus steel Great Sword.
  • Fixed that the durability value did not decrease when guarding with Greatsword.
I am sorry for a simple mistake(´・ω・`)


Update 1.10.2, 1.11.2

Iron Off Hand Sword

  • Fixed a problem that crashes when used for obtaining light crossbow, heavy crossbow, repeater bow, crank repeater bow by command. 
  • Fixed some sound effects were not played properly. 
  • Allow to set the generation of vanadium ore by config. Please delete old config file.
  • Added new weapon "off hand sword".
  • クロスボウ系の武器をコマンドや他のmodで入手した際にクラッシュする不具合の修正をしました。
  • 一部サウンドファイルが再生されない不具合を修正しました。
  • バナジウム鉱石の生成をコンフィグで設定できるようにしました。古いコンフィファイルは削除してください
  • 新武器「オフハンドソード」追加。メインハンドではなくオフハンドに持つことで真価を発揮します。